
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tane Mahuta

Today in Tane Mahuta we went around to the compost bin and near the long jump pit to clean up and make the areas tidy before athletics. we also went around the bushes and picked up rubbish i found. 5 pens, 2 pieces of bubble rap, half a drunken frozen raspberry and 20 pieces of plastic. We also were at the compost bin near the court, we had gloves and shovels and spades, today was really fun.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tane Mahuta

I am part of the The Tane Mahuta group our job is to keep the environment clean and make sure that no one litters and make the school a cleaner place.
Today we got showed around near the compost and went to the plum tree to pick some plums and eat them they were yum I also saw some kids stuffing them in their pockets.
My favorite area at school is the back yard cause it ha heaps of potential to be better then it already is.
My best idea to improve the school is to make a Bmx track and all the people with bikes and scooters a can ride their bikes and scooters on the bike track instead of walking in the heat.
That is my idea for the school to make it better.d


Monday, February 18, 2019

continues cricket

Continuous Cricket Rules
Written by: Orion Matangi


by hitting the ball and getting as much runs as possible in your turn.


divided the class in to teams


  • 2 x balls
  • 2 x bats
  • 1 x full wicket set (a stand and 3 x wickets
  • 2 x spare wickets
  • 1 x wicket stand


You score by hitting the ball away and run to the spare wickets and put the bat over the wickets.


You win by having more runs than the other team.


The rules of this game is if you catch the ball with two hand on the full u are out out if you catch the ball when it bounces and with one hand the batter changes, the max amount of runs you are able to do Is six and u have six balls when the bowler has to bowl he has to bowl under arm and if he doesn't it doesn't count, umpire decision is final.